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By clicking SIGN ME UP I agree to be contacted by credit saint at the above number and email for the purposes of administering my program. For efficiency purposes, such contact may be performed through autodial, pre-recorded, AI/ artificial voice calls and text / SMS messages.

  • • I agree to the terms, including its arbitration provision, privacy policy, the right to pull my credit report, and the auto-renewal of services each month at the pricing above until I cancel by emailing the company ( or logging into my online account and clicking to cancel the service.
  • • I understand that each month I am only paying for the service of sending written disputes to the bureaus for items I believe to be inaccurate. I understand I will only be charged once my disputes have been sent. I understand that results are not guaranteed or promised.
  • • I understand that I am contracting to purchase the above services, which include disputing inaccurate information appearing on my credit report, and that I will only be billed after work is performed. The program includes an initial work fee of __________, usually payable six (6) days after signing up, and then a monthly fee of ______, which automatically renews each month as services continue to be provided.
  • • If I provide a credit card, I will be provided with dates on which it will be charged automatically.

CREDIT SAINT LLC TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Credit Saint, LLC, (the "Company"), with a principal address of 250 Pehle Avenue, Suite 200, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663, and ______________ (the "Client"), regarding an agreement to provide credit oriented services and the Client's agreement to pay for such. Credit Restoration Services (the “Service”) will be limited to the following, and will be for the benefit of the Client, and Client authorizes Company to provide such Services and act on Client’s behalf to perform Services. Credit Audit Service: Review and assess the Clients current credit standings, and consult with the client as to the information contained within their credit report. Enter all applicable data from Client’s credit report into secure internal database. Client’s file is prepped and investigations/challenges plotted to include the items that Client has indicated to be reporting erroneously per the Client’s affirmation. Company will then prepare the individual investigations and/or challenges to each of the three major credit reporting agencies (Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax). Audit Service expected to be complete shortly after Client’s first contact with Company. Credit Repair Service: Assist in the update, correction, or removal of any item that is found to have been reported erroneously or inaccurate. Periodic reviews and analysis of Client’s credit status. Continually receive and processing manual/automatic updates for Client. Respond to, receive, and/or initiate correspondence via telephone, online, email, facsimile, or regular mail on behalf of client Create a strategic plan to assist Client in meeting Client’s goals, upon request of Client. Create letters, emails, an email address, faxes, or electronic communications to the applicable creditors, collection companies, public record offices, and the three major reporting agencies in the attempt to correct or remove errors on the Client’s credit reports which Client indicates to be inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, or unverified as per the Fair Credit Reporting Act on the Client’s behalf. Conducts follow up via phone, email, or regular mail with Client to discuss Client’s status and strategy. Assist Client with credit/financial related questions to the best of our ability. Credit Polish Option - For a Credit Audit Service Fee of $99.00 and monthly fee payments of $79.99 the Client will receive all of the credit audit services and credit repair services as listed under the Credit Audit Service and Credit Repair Sections of this Agreement for the following regarding Up to 5 inaccurately reporting accounts appearing on Client’s credit report(s). Credit Remodel Option - For a Credit Audit Service Fee of $99.00 and monthly fee payments of $109.99 the Client will receive all of the credit audit services and credit repair services as listed under the Credit Audit Service and Credit Repair Sections of this Agreement for the following regarding Up to 10 inaccurately reporting accounts appearing on Client’s credit report(s). Clean Slate Option - For a Credit Audit Service Fee of $195.00 and monthly fee payments of $139.99 the Client will receive all of the credit audit services and credit repair services as listed under the Credit Audit Service and Credit Repair Sections of this Agreement for the following regarding An unlimited amount of inaccurately reporting accounts appearing on Client’s credit report(s). PLEASE CHECK WHICH OPTION YOU PREFER YOU MUST CHECK ONE OPTION: CREDIT POLISH CREDIT REMODEL CLEAN SLATE You, the buyer, may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation at any time prior to midnight of the fifth day after the date of the transaction. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right DIGITAL SIGNATURE Dated: ______________ Print Name: ______________ SOCIAL: XXX-XX-XXXX Date of Birth: XX-XX-XXXX *Document has been signed electronically, such constitutes clients valid signature. Service Fees due only after the full completion of each Service listed below. Disclosures which apply to all services rendered by Company: Client understands credit repair and restoration is not a quick fix, and Company has not provided any specific promise or guarantee of time frame for updates on any given item of information. The Company will not remove any derogatory information (defined as accurate negative information appearing on a Client’s credit report that actually belongs there), nor will the Company assist Client on improving Client’s credit rating. Instead, as a New Jersey compliant credit repair organization, the Company exclusively assists its Clients in removing or correcting inaccurate information appearing on their credit reports. The Company will not charge the Client any fees in advance for any services under this Agreement. Client acknowledges that Company does not guarantee Client will receive any type of financing or additional benefits as a result of Company’s services. Client understands that the addition of new derogatory information will negatively impact the results of Company’s service. Client also understands that Company will only attempt to remove erroneous, outdated, or incorrectly reported information from the credit reporting agencies, as allowed by state and federal law, and understands that Company makes no claim beyond those changes allowed by state and federal law. This includes, but may not be limited to, inquiries, addresses, aliases, creditor accounts, and personal information. Client acknowledges that company must discontinue services on any item(s) that are fully validated by the reporting source, and confirmed to be verified by the reporting agencies. Client understands that it is their right to execute similar disputes on their own behalf, but has willfully elected to allow Company to perform the services for the fees agreed upon by Client and Company. Client acknowledges that accurate information appearing on the Client’s credit report cannot be removed from Client’s credit report. Client acknowledges that they have the option of utilizing a non-profit credit counseling agency if they are struggling to pay their monthly unsecured debt payments. Client acknowledges they have received a copy of company’s privacy policy, and a copy of the required disclosures prior to signing this agreement. Company will not charge the Client in advance of providing the Client with any services under this Agreement. Company shall provide the Client with documentation that work has been completed prior to the Company’s collecting its fee. Client acknowledges that Company retains the option of utilizing third party entities to provide its services to the Client. The term of this agreement is for a maximum of 12 months and it is estimated that the company will have completed providing its services to you within 12 months after the date you sign this agreement. As such, if Client chooses Company’s Credit Polish option the Client will pay a maximum total of $1,058.88. If Client chooses Company’s Credit Remodel option the Client will pay a maximum total of $1,418.88. If Client chooses Company’s Clean Slate option the Client will pay a maximum total of $1,874.88. Client can cancel this agreement at any time with no further obligation. 5.0 Company Shall Have the Right to Cancel this Contract Without Any Further Obligation to Client if Any of the Following Events Occur: If Client fails to pay all fees due and owing Company within ten ("10") days of your due date. If Client fails to perform any of Client’s obligations under this Agreement and/or breaches any provision of this Agreement. If Client fails to mail legible copies of Client’s credit reports to Company at least every ninety (90) days, or Client fails to promptly forward Company copies of all correspondence that Client has received from Client’s credit bureaus, credit providers or others, or Client fails to promptly inform Company of any change of Client’s contact information, employment information and/or material changes to Client’s financial condition. If Client fails to cooperate with Company including but not limited to Client not responding to all communications Client receives from Company within ten ("10") days of the date of the communication. Client Responsibilities, Obligations, and Agreement. Client agrees to sign a Limited Power of Attorney granting company specific right to contact, represent, and send correspondence produced by Company on Client’s behalf. Client agrees to forward to Company immediately any and all mail or electronic correspondence received from creditors, credit reporting agencies, collection companies, public record offices, etc. regarding any items listed on the Item Authorization Page. Client agrees to provide (initially and ongoing) credit reports to company with scores from all three credit reporting agencies (Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax). Client agrees to maintain on-time monthly payments of any current credit obligations (nothing 30 days or more past due), not allow new collections, Judgments, Tax Liens, etc. Failure to maintain those payments will likely result in severe damage to any updates made to Client’s credit by Company. Client agrees to contact Company with any questions regarding their credit including applying for any consumer credit prior to the pursuit of new credit. Services may need to be completed before applications for consumer credit are submitted. Client agrees to payment terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement regarding billing procedures and further agrees to maintain prompt payment of any Fees due company. Client understands that all fees that arise from Company’s credit repair process are due on schedule and after the given work has been completed by the Company for the Client. COMPANY CAN AND WILL TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT IF OPEN BALANCE DUE COMPANY IS NOT PAID WITHIN A TIMELY MANNER. Electronic Communication Client agrees, unless specifically requested otherwise, that by entering into transactions with Company, Client affirms consent to receive, in an electronic format, all information, copies of agreements and correspondence from Company and to also send information in an electronic format unless previously agreed upon in writing with Company. Client has a right to receive a paper copy of any of these electronic records if applicable law specifically requires us to provide such documentation. Client’s consent may be withdrawn at any time upon Company’s receipt of such withdrawal. However Client’s withdrawal of Client’s consent to conduct business electronically can only occur if applicable law specifically requires Company to provide a paper copy of electronic documents. Withdrawal of consent will slow the speed at which Company can complete certain steps in transactions with Client and delivering services to Client. To inform us that Client either withdraws Client’s consent to receive future notices and disclosures in electronic format, would like to receive paper copies, or to update your information Client may send to: Credit Saint, LLC 250 Pehle Avenue, Suite 200, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663. Client acknowledges and agrees that the internet is considered inherently insecure. Therefore, Client agrees that Company has no liability to Client whatsoever for any loss, claim, or damages arising or in any way related to Company’s responses to any electronic communication, upon which Company has in good faith relied. You, the buyer, may cancel this contract at any time prior to 12 midnight of the fifth day after the date of the transaction. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right. DIGITAL SIGNATURE Dated: ______________ Print Name: ______________ Signature: ______________ SOCIAL: XXX-XX-XXXX Date of Birth: XX-XX-XXXX *Document has been signed electronically, such constitutes client's valid signature. PAYMENT METHOD AUTHORIZATION In consideration of the services provided to me by Credit Saint, LLC, and upon completion of such; I ______________ , hereby authorize Credit Saint, LLC to debit my account listed below, to satisfy the amount then due. I understand that I will not be charged in advance for any Credit Repair Services. Credit/Debit Card: Card Number: ______________ Expiration Date: ______________ Billing Information Name on Account: ______________ Billing Address: ______________ No verbal communication will supersede this agreement. I have read and agree to the terms listed within this document prior to signing. DIGITAL SIGNATURE Dated: ______________ Print Name: ______________ Signature: ______________ SOCIAL: XXX-XX-XXXX Date of Birth: XX-XX-XXXX *Document has been signed electronically, such constitutes client's valid signature. Limited Power of Attorney This form is a limited power of attorney and may be used for the sole purpose of helping with the restoration of your credit. This does not give us full power of attorney over any of your other affairs nor does it make us your legal counsel. Company is not a law firm, and we do not provide legal representation or lawyer services. I, ______________ , a resident of ______________ , of the state of ______________ hereby appoint Credit Saint, LLC as my Agent. My Agent shall have limited power and authority to act on my behalf. This power and authority shall be limited to, the power to: Prepare and file documents with any credit reporting agency or creditor limited to, authorization to: Prepare and file disputes with credit reporting agencies by mail, fax or online. Obtain information or documents from any creditor or its agencies. This Power of Attorney shall be construed as a Limited Power of Attorney. The listing of specific powers is intended to limit and restrict the powers granted in this Power of Attorney. My Agent shall not be liable for any loss that results from a judgment error that was made in good faith. However, my Agent shall be liable for willful misconduct or the failure to act in good faith while acting under the authority of this Power of Attorney. I authorize my Agent to indemnify and hold harmless any third party who accepts and acts under this document. This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately. This Power of Attorney shall continue effective until rescinded by written notice to my agent: Credit Saint LLC 250 Pehle Ave Suite 200 Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 Dated: ______________ Print Name: ______________ Signature: ______________ SOCIAL: XXX-XX-XXXX Date of Birth: XX-XX-XXXX CONSUMER CREDIT FILE RIGHTS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor any credit repair company or credit repair organization has the right to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10 years. You have the right to a free credit report from or 877-322-8228, the ONLY authorized source under federal law.” 16 C.F.R. § 610.4(b)(4). You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud. You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations. You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within 3 business days from the date you signed it. Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate. However, mistakes may occur. You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your credit file. The credit bureau must then reinvestigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau. If the credit bureau's reinvestigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit bureau, to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you. The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information contact: The Public Reference Branch Federal Trade Commission Washington, D.C. 20580 Name: ______________ Date Signed: ______________ Check I Agree: ______________ Timestamp: ______________ Binding Arbitration Agreement This section, as it pertains to dispute resolution procedures, will override any sections of the agreement that appear contrary or which appear to give the Client the right to sue the Company. In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, conscionability or validity thereof, including any determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, shall be determined by mandatory, binding arbitration in the state of New Jersey. The parties agree that the arbitration shall be administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") pursuant to its rules and procedures and an arbitrator shall be selected by the AAA. The award rendered by the arbitrator shall be final and shall not be subject to vacation or modification. Judgment on the award made by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over the parties. If either party fails to comply with the arbitrator's award, the injured party may petition the circuit court for enforcement. The parties agree that either party may bring claims against the other only in his/her or its individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding. Further, the parties agree that the arbitrator may not consolidate proceedings of more than one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of representative or class proceeding. The parties shall share the cost (not any attorneys’ fees) of arbitration equally. In the event a party fails to proceed with arbitration, unsuccessfully challenges the arbitrator's award, or fails to comply with the arbitrator's award, the other party is entitled to costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee for having to compel arbitration or defend or enforce the award. Binding Arbitration means that both parties give up the right to a trial by a jury or to use the court system except to enforce this section. It also means that both parties give up the right to appeal from the arbitrator’s ruling except for a narrow range of issues that can or may be appealed. It also means that discovery may be severely limited by the arbitrator. section and the arbitration requirement shall survive any termination. DIGITAL SIGNATURE Dated: ______________ Print Name: ______________ Signature: ______________ SOCIAL: XXX-XX-XXXX Date of Birth: XX-XX-XXXX *Document has been signed electronically, such constitutes client's valid signature. Authorization for Credit Repair Action I, ______________, hereafter known as "client" hereby authorize, Credit Saint, LLC, 250 Pehle Avenue, Suite 200, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663, to make, receive, sign, endorse, execute, acknowledge, deliver, and possess such applications, correspondence, contracts, or agreements, as necessary to improve my credit. Such instruments in writing of whatever and nature shall only be effective for any or all of the three credit reporting agencies which are TransUnion, Experian, Equifax, and any other reporting agencies or creditors listed, as may be necessary or proper in the exercise of the rights and powers herein granted. I specifically authorize the release of all information that credit reporting agencies and my creditors have about me to Credit Saint, LLC and authorize Credit Saint, LLC to pull my credit reports for all three credit reporting agencies and access my credit history. This authorization specifically allows Credit Saint, LLC to pull my credit reports on a monthly basis or as frequently as necessary to review and monitor for changes in the reports. This authorization may be revoked by the undersigned at any time by giving written notice to the party authorized herein. Any activity made prior to revocation in reliance upon this authorization shall not constitute a breach of rights of the client. If not earlier revoked, this authorization will automatically expire twelve months from the date of signature. The party named above to receive the information is not authorized to make any further release or disclosure of the information received. This authorization does not authorize the release or disclosure of any information except as provided herein. I grant to Credit Saint authority to take, perform, all acts whatsoever requisite, or proper to be done, in the exercise of repairing my credit with the 3 credit bureaus, which are TransUnion, Experian, Equifax and any other reporting agencies or creditor’s listed, as fully for all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present. DIGITAL SIGNATURE Dated: ______________ Print Name: ______________ Signature: ______________ SOCIAL: XXX-XX-XXXX Date of Birth: XX-XX-XXXX *Document has been signed electronically, such constitutes client's valid signature. CANCELLATION POLICY You can cancel your program anytime without penalty or obligation. Cancellations require a phone call and during that call, you will be given a confirmation number triggering the 'Cancellation Confirmation' email. Your account is not canceled until you have received the 'Cancellation Confirmation' email containing your confirmation number. Clients are never billed in advance of service provided, so months of service are billed when the month ends. Your billing monthly billing date is always for the month ending on that date, not for the month going forward. This means when an account is canceled during a month of service, you will still be billed for that month of service on your normal billing date, but no further. The proposed terms of this engagement are not intended to be for a fixed period. You may wish to engage Credit Saint's services for as long as is necessary to meet your specific goals. Our experience shows that the length of time any particular client participates in our programs depends upon several factors including the nature and extent of prior negative items, the complexity of issues affecting the current credit profile, the level of resistance exerted by prior creditors, and very often by the level of your own active participation in the program. Credit Saint strongly encourages you to closely monitor your progress at least on a monthly basis to enable you to make an informative decision as to whether you wish to continue utilizing Credit Saint's services. DIGITAL SIGNATURE Name: ______________ Program: ______________ Date Signed: ______________ Date of Birth: ______________ Social Security Number: ______________ Check I Agree: Check I Agree: ______________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Complete This Section Only if Cancelling the Agreement You may cancel this contract, without any penalty or obligation, within 5 days from the date the contract is signed. If you cancel any payment made by you under this contract, it will be returned within 10 days following receipt by the credit service organization of your cancellation notice. To cancel this contract, mail or deliver a signed dated copy of this cancellation notice, or any other written notice to: CREDIT SAINT, LLC 250 PEHLE AVENUE, SUITE 200, SADDLE BROOK, NJ 07663 NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT ______________. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, Date: ______________ Purchaser's Signature: ______________ Purchaser's Printed Name: ______________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Complete This Section Only if Cancelling the Agreement You may cancel this contract, without any penalty or obligation, within 5 days from the date the contract is signed. If you cancel any payment made by you under this contract, it will be returned within 10 days following receipt by the credit service organization of your cancellation notice. To cancel this contract, mail or deliver a signed dated copy of this cancellation notice, or any other written notice to: CREDIT SAINT, LLC 250 PEHLE AVENUE, SUITE 200, SADDLE BROOK, NJ 07663 NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT ______________. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, Date: ______________ Purchaser's Signature: ______________ Purchaser's Printed Name: ______________ PRIVACY POLICY of Credit Saint, LLC WHAT DOES CREDIT SAINT, LLC DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION? Why? Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do. The types of personal information Credit Saint, LLC (“we,” or “us”) collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include: Specific product or service needs, Social Security Numbers, Credit Profile, Address & Payment Information All financial companies need to share personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their personal information; the reasons chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing Reasons we can share your info Do we share your info? Can you limit this sharing? Reasons we can share your info: - For our everyday business purposes— such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus - For our marketing purposes— to offer our products and services to you - For joint marketing with other financial companies - For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— information about your transactions and experiences Do we share your info? - Everyday business purposes: Yes, we share your info with necessary parties to help facilitate the products and services that you have contracted for. - Our marketing purposes: We share your info with vendors that assist us in offering various opportunities to you. - Joint marketing with other financial companies: We occasionally share information with other financial and non-financial entities - Our affiliates’ everyday business purposes: Yes, we share your info with affiliated parties to help facilitate your goals Can you limit this sharing? - Everyday business purposes: No - Our marketing purposes: Yes, you can opt out of receiving any marketing from us for any products other than the products or service you have contracted for. - Joint marketing with other financial companies: Yes, you can opt out of any non- essential sharing with third parties. - Our affiliates’ everyday business purposes: Yes, you can opt out of any non- essential sharing with third parties. To limit our sharing of information or for ANY Questions: Call us at 877-637-2673. Please note if you are a new customer we can begin sharing your information 5 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. However you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing. How does Credit Saint protect my personal information? To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards, encrypted storage of all personal information, data security and breach protocols and secured files and buildings. All employees are trained and monitored on privacy and security protocols, we monitor all offices with cameras, and protect them with monitored alarm systems, we additionally destroy all physical documents after they are no longer needed, and keep electronic copies of them in a secure encrypted environment. How do we collect your personal information? We collect your personal information from any and all interactions that you have on our websites, we portals, email communications, telephonic communications, mail services and face to face interactions. Information for Vermont, California and Nevada Customers: In response to a Vermont regulation, we automatically treat customers with Vermont billing addresses as if they requested us not to share your information with nonaffiliated third parties, and that we limit the information we share with any affiliates. If we disclose information about you to nonaffiliated third parties with whom we have joint marketing agreements, we will only disclose your name, address, other contact information, and information about our transaction and experiences with you. In response to a California law, we will automatically treat individuals with a California billing addresses as if they had requested us not to share their information with nonaffiliated third parties except as permitted by the applicable California law. We will also limit the sharing of information about you with our affiliates to comply with California privacy laws that apply to us. Residents of the State of California may request a list of all third-parties to which we have disclosed certain information during the preceding year for those third-parties' direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and want such a list, please contact us at Credit Saint, LLC, 250 Pehle Avenue, Suite 200, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 or contact us at the telephone number listed above. In response to Nevada law, we are providing you this notice. You may be placed on our internal Do Not Call List by contacting us at the address set forth above. Nevada law requires that we also provide you with the following contact information: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number: 702-486-3132; e-mail: Why can’t I limit all sharing? Although federal law does not require us to, we give you the right to limit any sharing that is not directly needed to facilitate our contracted services and or delivery of contracted products. What happens when I limit my sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else? We limit sharing for both individuals to ensure protection of your wishes. Definitions: Affiliates: Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies. Non-Affiliates Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies. Joint Marketing: A formal agreement between non-affiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.


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Testing for Default...CREDIT SAINT LLC TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Credit Saint, LLC, (the "Company"), with a principal address of 250 Pehle Avenue, Suite 200, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663, and ______________ (the "Client"), regarding an agreement to provide credit oriented services and the Client's agreement to pay for such. Credit Restoration Services (the “Service”) will be limited to the following, and will be for the benefit of the Client, and Client authorizes Company to provide such Services and act on Client’s behalf to perform Services. Credit Audit Service: Review and assess the Clients current credit standings, and consult with the client as to the information contained within their credit report. Enter all applicable data from Client’s credit report into secure internal database.


Credit Saint takes action to fix unfair or inaccurate negative items harming your credit by sending challenges to your creditors and all three credit bureaus.

Late Payments


Charge Offs






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Use our secure online portal to share your personal information with confidence. We'll get your credit report without harming your credit score.

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A credit specialist will carefully examine your credit report, pinpoint any issues hurting your credit, and confidently send disputes to creditors and credit bureaus.


Sit back and let us do the hard work. We'll give you advice to make the most of your positive history while we work to dispute the inaccuracies.

We've got you covered

At Credit Saint, we're committed to your financial success and peace of mind. That’s why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee.*

*Credit service companies cannot promise a result or credit score increase.

Trusted by over 200,000 clients since 2007

"Credit Saint has truly improved my credit. My credit went from 663 to 744 in just 3 months!! They really work hard..."

"DEFINITELY WORTH EVERY PENNY! After working with Credit Saint for only a few months, I was approved for a card..."

"Amazing success so far in the removal of many chargeoff and late payments in just 2 months. My score has increase..."

"Credit Saint has truly improved my credit. My credit went from 663 to 744 in just 3 months!! They really work hard to help your credit..."

For more information visit

© 2024 All rights reserved. Credit Saint, LLC

Get real results

Use our secure online portal to share your personal information with confidence. We'll get your credit report without harming your credit score.

Get Started

A credit specialist will carefully examine your credit report, pinpoint any issues hurting your credit, and confidently send disputes to creditors and credit bureaus.

Sit back and let us do the hard work. We'll give you advice to make the most of your positive history while we work to dispute the inaccuracies.

Set Up



We've got you covered

At Credit Saint, we're committed to your financial success and peace of mind. That’s why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee.*

*Credit service companies cannot promise a result or credit score increase.

Trusted by over 200,000 clients since 2007

For more information visit

© 2024 All rights reserved. Credit Saint, LLC

"Vicki was very helpful, knowledgeable, and explained everything. I would definitely recommend Credit Saint..."

"DEFINITELY WORTH EVERY PENNY! After working with Credit Saint for only a few months, I was approved for a card that I had..."

"Vicki was very helpful, knowledgeable, and explained everything. I would definitely recommend Credit Saint..."

"Amazing success so far in the removal of many chargeoff and late payments in just 2 months. My score has increased 70 points..."

Your credit deserves a second chance

Your credit deserves a second chance

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Clean Slate

Unlimited Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus



First work fee: $195.00

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Score Tracker & Analysis

Creditor Intervention Letters

Inquiry Targeting

Personalized Guide to Credit

Rent-to-Own Home Program

Online Chat (9am-7pm EST M-F)

Saint Legal Watch™

Three Bureau Reports & Scores



Report Payments to 3 Bureaus

Credit Remodel

Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus

First work fee: $99.00

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Score Tracker & Analysis

Inquiry Targeting

Personalized Guide to Credit

Online Chat (9am-7pm EST M-F)

One Bureau Report & Scores

Saint Legal Watch™

Creditor Intervention Letters



Credit Polish

Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus

First work fee: $99.00

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Score Tracker & Analysis

Online Chat (9am-7pm EST M-F)

Saint Legal Watch™



Creditor Intervention Letters

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Expertise you can depend on

We've helped countless individuals regain control of their credit, and our track record is a testament to our dedication. Join the ranks of our satisfied clients and discover why we're the trusted choice.


years of experience

stars on Google


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Clean Slate



First work fee: $195.00

Unlimited challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus

Score Tracker & Analysis

Creditor Intervention Letters

Inquiry Targeting

Personalized Guide to Credit

Rent-to-Own Home Program

Online Chat (9am-7pm EST M-F)

Report Payments to 3 Bureaus

Three Bureau Reports & Scores

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Saint Legal Watch™

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No Charge

for 6 days


client success stories

Credit Remodel



First work fee: $99.00

Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus

Score Tracker & Analysis

Creditor Intervention Letters

Inquiry Targeting

Personalized Guide to Credit

One Bureau Report & Scores

Online Chat (9am-7pm EST M-F)

Saint Legal Watch™

Get Started

Credit Polish



First work fee: $99.00

Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus

Score Tracker & Analysis

Creditor Intervention Letters

Online Chat (9am-7pm EST M-F)

Saint Legal Watch™

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Ranked #1 by top financial sites 

money-back guarantee


No Charge

for 6 days


five-star reviews

How we can help

Credit Saint takes action to fix unfair or inaccurate negative items harming your credit by sending challenges to your creditors and all three credit bureaus.

Late Payments


Charge Offs






How we can help

Credit Saint takes action to fix unfair or inaccurate negative items harming your credit by sending challenges to your creditors and all three credit bureaus.






Charge Offs


Late Payments

Sign Up

money-back guarantee


No Charge

for 6 days


five-star reviews

Unlimited Challenges to all three Credit Bureaus



First work fee: $195.00 $99.00

Claim Offer

Three Bureau Reports & Scores

Legal Protection From Debt Collector Harassment

Score Tracker & Analysis

Creditor Intervention Letters

Personalized Guide to Credit

Inquiry Targeting

Rent-to-Own Home Program


save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $96 on your first work fee

Clean Slate

Report Payments to 3 Bureaus



First work fee: $99.00 $??.00

Claim Offer


save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $?? on your first work fee

Credit Remodel

Report Payments to 3 Bureaus

(Limited) Challenges to all three Credit Bureaus

Three Bureau Reports & Scores

Legal Protection From Debt Collector Harassment

Score Tracker & Analysis

Creditor Intervention Letters

Personalized Guide to Credit

Inquiry Targeting

Rent-to-Own Home Program

money-back guarantee


No Charge

for 6 days


five-star reviews

Unlimited Challenges to all 3 Credit Bureaus



One-time setup fee: $195.00 $99.00

Claim Offer

Legal Protection From Debt Collector Harassment

Three Bureau Reports & Scores

Score Tracker & Analysis

Creditor Intervention Letters

Personalized Guide to Credit

Inquiry Targeting

Rent-to-Own Home Program

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo

save $30/mo and $96 on your setup fee


Leading the industry for nearly 20 years, Credit Saint is here to guide you every step of the way.

Backed by experience. Built for results.

Get Started

Backed by experience.  Built for results.

Leading the industry for nearly 20 years, Credit Saint is here to guide you every step of the way.


Get Started


No Charge


money-back guarantee

for 6 days

client success stories

Ranked #1 by top financial sites

Credit Saint